Managing Moments in Time - Welcome to the Wired World
The Migration Dilemma Demo - The Migration Dilemma and the compounding volume effect.
KODAK Timeline Demo
Reference Archive System Demo - See how a reference archive system works
Perfect Page Scanning
KODAK Microfilm Demo
Introducing the Scan Station 100
Introducing the i30 and i40 Scanners - The Perfect Match for all kinds of small-office applications.
i800 Demo - It's all about throughput.

Perfect Page Scanning

Introducing the i780 Scanner
Business Solutions: The i780 Scanner
Introducing the i1860 Series - The KODAK i1860 Scanner Offers Speed, Ease of Use and Ergonomic Design Features.
view all ..
Record Management Services
No worries. Just peace of mind.
When information technology and business compliance collide, companies often find themselves in a quandary: creating lasting and accessible repositories of unalterable information that don’t fall victim to the shortfalls of electronic storage. MIH can help!

Reference Archive Media is a self-sustainable repository of digital records that are maintained in an analog format on microfilm. This ensures file integrity and represents an authoritative reference to your digital archive.

MIH is ready to deliver peace of mind and help keep you in compliance. Now your digital records can truly be as safe as think they are.
Download our presentation and discover how MIH can help you.